The Sky Is Filled With Thunder
Installation, Public Art, Touring, Digital ArtGuest User2022-Present, Childhood, Loss, Memory, Place, Fear, Home, Journeys, Play, Participation, Children's rights, Children, Conversation, Politics, Joy, Love, Walking
This Grief Thing
Public Art, Touring2018-2021, Public Art, Touring, Billboards, Care, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Clothing, Death, Empathy, Grief, Loss, Love, Memory, Participation, Shop, Talking, Trust
8 Tender Solitudes
Hope is
Installation, Film, Theatre, Touring2014, Animals, Biophilia, Childhood, Children, Community, Companionship, Empathy, Environment, Farms, Fear, Forests, Fur, Home, Interspecies, Journeys, Landscape, Loss, Lost, Memory, Moss, Participation, Place, Play, Rite of passage, Tails, Weather
Above Me The Wide Blue Sky
Theatre, Installation, Touring2013, Biophilia, Climate crisis, Companionship, Environment, Home, Loss, Light, Memory, Place, Science, The future, Dogs
Written with Light
Installation, Theatre, Photography2002, Death, Memory, Loss, Light, Participation, Science, Time, Torches
Early Work
Theatre, Installation, Public Art1996-2001, Darkness, Death, Love, Memory, Clothing, Place, Laboratory, Research, Science, Environment, Duration, Loss, Ageing, Participation, Journeys, The sea, The body