Men & Girls Dance Tour Roundup
On 15th November the Fevered Sleep team returned to the beautiful new Dance4 building in Sneinton, Nottingham, for the second roundtable meeting with our Men & Girls Dance partners and our evaluators Morris Hargreaves McIntyre.We discussed the impact the project has had, the risks involved, the challenges and benefits this model of working presented for each of our organisations, who came to take part and to see it, and what we'd learned.One of our Community Catalysts from Nottingham, Alison Reaney, talked us through her journey from sceptic to ambassador, and how the project has opened the world of dance to her. When discussing the legacy of the project, we heard from The Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield that they have just started producing after 10 years and two of our girls are in their first show; that people who wandered in to the Talking Place in Nottingham are now taking part in projects at Dance4; and that our Community Catalysts in Brighton are now pitching their own project ideas to South East Dance.The meeting highlighted that both the value and the challenge lies within the depth of experience of this particular project, and we are truly grateful for the commitment and enthusiasm our partners have shown as individuals and as teams for Men & Girls Dance.It has been an incredibly successful tour. The feedback from the girls and parents has been overwhelmingly positive, the hard work and creativity from our ambassadors humbling, the quality of conversation in the Talking Place illuminating, and the response from our largely sold out audiences about their experience of show, the newspaper, and the project as a whole was beyond our imagining.We are extremely excited to bring the production to The Place for the London premiere in the spring of 2017. Dates: 13th-15th and 18th-22nd April 2017