Men & Girls Dance at Skånes Dansteater in Malmö


Today the company flies to Malmö, Sweden, to begin working on a new version of Men & Girls Dance as part of Skånes Dansteater's festival 2018, Dance & People Talk.

We'll be working with a brand new cast of girls from Malmö, and we're thrilled that two new men have joined the company, Bakani Pickup and Luke Divall. 

Men & Girls Dance brings together two very different groups of performers: men who dance professionally and local girls who dance for fun. At times playful, at times provocative, it celebrates the rights of adults and children to be together, to play together and to dance together. It's a joyful celebration of tenderness, empathy, and love.

“Fevered Sleep’s almost recklessly brave participatory dance project is an utter delight” – The Guardian

“Fevered Sleep’s quietly radical effort wears its importance with a creditable lightness and grace” – The Times

After sell-out versions of the project across the UK in 2016/2017 including Tate Britain in London, ACCA in Brighton, Dance4 in Nottingham and The Lowry in Salford this is the first international residency involving a company of Swedish girls.

Due to public demand, a third London version is also planned in 2019 at The Place.

Dates and times

Skånes Dansteater ABÖstra Varvsgatan 13A, 211 73 Malmö, SwedenThursday 1 November at 7pmSaturday 3 November at 6pmSunday 4 November at 4pm

For more info and tickets click here